Muscle Memory ?

                       Muscle Memory ?

According to google researches in INDIA few of people talk about Muscle Memory topic.

So the whole explaination about Muscle Memory topic is here in detail.

#What is muscle memory ?[Explanation].
  =    All of you those who love fitness, they definately do workout from past years to get a proper physique and to build muscle.

=Most of you are training your muscles from past 3-4 years or more than that. It take 2-3 years to build a proper physique.

 =But incase, due to some reasons, like you get sick, or any injury, or due to any reason you stop doing workout, So Slowly slowly our muscle size will start deficiting (decreasing), Because once we build a good amount of muscle, and if suddenly we stop doing workout and not giving a such amount of nutrition to our body, and not taking protein to maintain, so at that time our body doesn't have any reason to carry that much amount of muscle, so if we stop training our muscle, it will loose, Basically it will start shrinking day by day.

=But when you again start workout training your muscles, you will start gaining muscles again, But last time you achive your proper physique, it takes 2-3 years, but this time when you start again training your muscles, it will take just 2-3 months to build that same size of muscle. Basically this is Muscle Memory.

= It happens because once you trained your muscle properly, For example:- In childhood we learn a poem, and nowadays also ,if we hear the poem again, so we start remembering the lines.
  Same here also, when we again start training our muscles, our muscles start increasing quickly and give results too far just in 2-3 months, Because the muscle knows at once it was trained and Ripped hardly.

Because of Muscle Memory we again get our physique as quick as possible.
This is Muscle Memory.


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