What is a Muscle ?

                   What is a Muscle ?

  So everyone wants their muscle size bigger, right some of you don't, but still this
Is a good information for everyone.

#. As most of you workout in gym to increase your muscles size, but here i will explain you some fact about muscle ,
 ( what is Muscles , how much develop ? ,
How many times takes to reach it) etc.

# .All workout for each muscles that worked highlighted like reps, sets, and rest time as well as we face so many difficulties or we get so many experience in this [ Learn from your trainer ].

#. In order to make the muscle size bigger, first we have to know that, what a muscle actually want to grow, Now you don't think about cell structures. Iam just talking about the building muscle.

# .In a Muscle there is 75% of water. Water makes up 75% of lean muscle tissue. Because water is necessary in our body. Water is also majority of the rest of our body. So normally, we have to consume 3-4 litres of water in a day. It's good for health, it will show better results.

#. And then its necessary to take 18% of protein, because with your better workout performance you need proper Protein in your Diet to satisfy the cellular demands of muscles. Protein is necessary, because it helps in developing Muscle size after workout.

#. Along with all these things, we also need rest we want some fat, vitamins,  minerals and some carbs this all play their main part in maintaining a healthy muscle tissue .

# .A muscle need [ Vitamin, minerals, carbs, fats, water, protein.]


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