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कैलोरी बर्न करने के तरीके

कैलोरी बर्न करने के तरीके बाजार में बहुत सारे उत्पाद हैं जो आपको अधिक कैलोरी जलाने में मदद करने के वादे के साथ हैं। लेकिन मैं आपको कुछ बताऊंगा कि आप कितनी कैलोरी बढ़ा सकते हैं कि आपका शरीर हर दिन और उसके शुरुआती और सरल तरीके से जल जाए, इसलिए मूल रूप से बहुत सारे कदम हैं जो मैं आपको बताऊंगा और आप जो चाहें उन्हें पसंद कर सकते हैं। # . अधिक कैलोरी जलाने का 1 तरीका आपके शरीर को हिलाने या आपके शरीर को अधिक काम करने का पुराना तरीका है, इसलिए हम अधिक पसीना उत्पन्न कर सकते हैं। #। हम कभी नहीं देखते हैं या महसूस करते हैं कि कैलोरी उन सभी छोटी गतिविधियों के संचय के साथ जलती है जो हम दैनिक कर रहे हैं। #। कैलोरी बर्न करने के तरीके: - 1- सुबह मॉर्निंग वॉक पर जाएं या रोजाना (अधिक) टहलने की कोशिश करें। 2- सुबह की जॉगिंग प्राकृतिक रूप से कैलोरी बर्न करने के लिए सबसे अच्छी होती है। 3- बाइक के उपयोग के चक्र के बजाय छोटी सवारी के लिए। 4- अगर आपको डांस में दिलचस्पी है तो इसे करें, क्योंकि डांस के कारण अधिक पसीना आता है जिससे कैलोरी बर्न करने में मदद मिलेगी। 5- (दैनिक स्प्रिंट...


              Ways to burn calories There are so many products in the market with the promise of helping you to burn more calories. but I will tell you something that you can increase the number of calories that your body burns each day and its initial and simple way so basically there are so many steps that I will tell you and you can choice from them whatever you like. #  .Well said from athletes that no. 1 way to burn more calories is the old fashioned way by moving your body or make your body more working, so we can produce more sweating. # .We never notice or realise that the calories burn with the accumulation of all those small activities that we are doing daily. #  .The ways to burn calories:- 1- go to the morning walk or try to walk daily (more). 2- morning jogging is the best for burning calories naturally. 3- for short rides instead of bike use cycle. 4- if you are interested in dance do it, because dance ca...

(कारण) आप वजन क्यों नहीं खो रहे हैं।

(कारण) आप वजन क्यों नहीं खो रहे हैं। #। आप में से अधिकांश अपने वसा को ढीला करना चाहते हैं, इस वजह से आप आलसी प्रदर्शन कर रहे हैं, और अगर हम शर्टलेस हो जाते हैं, तो हम अपने वसायुक्त शरीर की वजह से असहज महसूस करते हैं, आपके वसा को ढीला करने के लिए आपको कई तरीके आजमाए जा सकते हैं, लेकिन आप प्राप्त कर रहे हैं असफलता हर समय, कुछ गलतियों के कारण जो आप ध्यान केंद्रित नहीं कर रहे हैं। मैं आपको 3-4 कारण बताऊंगा, आप वसा क्यों नहीं खो रहे हैं। स्वास्थ्य लाभ #। आप उस समय बेहतर नींद लेने के बजाय 2-3 Am तक नेटफ्लिक्स पर फिल्में या श्रृंखला देख रहे हैं। #। बहुत बार और बहुत लंबे समय तक काम करना। #। अपने दैनिक जीवन के कारण तनाव को कम करना नहीं। # .कभी भी एक हफ्ते की छुट्टी या किसी छुट्टी पर। व्यायाम #। आप अपनी कसरत के अनुरूप नहीं हैं। #। (आधा सेट) कसरत, जब आप दिखाते हैं। # .आप प्रगतिशील अधिभार का उपयोग नहीं कर रहे हैं। #। अपने डंडे लंघन। #। बिना किसी लक्ष्य के, बिना किसी कसरत के। आहार #। आप आहार ...

Fat Vs Muscle [Myth Vs Truth]

                        Fat Vs Muscle First you have to know the difference between Fat and Muscle. Fat and Muscle are the two different types of tissue, and it cannot be converted directly Fat into Muscle, its not possible. For eg:- Can we convert a mango into apple, same like here it's not possible to convert fat into muscle. What you can do instead ,loose fat and gain muscles. As two separate process . #. If you want to loose fat without loosing your muscle size, then you have to eat the right foods. If you cut your calorie intake and don't eat enough protein , then weight loss can result in a decrease in not only fat but also muscles. # .To prevent this from happening, that you want to loose fat but not muscle then you have to consume more protein in your diet. For eg:- If my weight is around 70kg, I want to loose fat but want to maintain my muscle size , then according to my weight 70kg, I have to eat 120-125gra...

Why you're not loosing fat (Reasons)

    (Reasons) Why you're not loosing fat. # .Most of you want to loose your fat, because of that you're performing lazy, And if we get shirtless ,we feel uncomfortable because of our fatty body, You may be tried so many ways to loose your fat, but youre getting unsuccess everytime , because of few mistakes that you are not focusing. I will tell you 3-4 reasons, why you're not loosing fat.                               Recovery #. That you're watching movies or series on Netflix until 2-3 Am, instead of getting a better sleep at that time. # .Working out too frequently and for too long. #. Not Reducing stress, because of your daily life. # .Never taking a week off or any vacation.                             WORKOUT #. You're not consistent enough with your workout. #. (Half-set) workout, when you show up. # .You're ...

Get Stronger [5 Tips].

            💪  Get Stronger 💪[5 Tips]. # .Getting stronger is a dream of most of us men, So here I will suggest you some awesome tips, that will help you guys in increasing your strength through your habit and dedication. =. It's for everyone. =. Better Results. = .Natural way to get stronger. = .Change your habits. = .Try to progress. #. Take creatine :- so first you have to know some point, about creatine , that is, creatine is a substance, it is natural, that we find in muscle cells, creatine help our muscles ,it provide more energy while lifting heavy  or high - intensity exercise, most of the athletes and bodybuilders use creatine as supplement inorder to gain muscle, and to improve your performance in lifting or doing exercises. # .Sleep :- According to a study, we have to take minimum 7+ hours of sleep, But For the person who do Gym, they should take 8-9 hours of sleep. Because After a proper sleep we feel active, energetic ...

स्ट्रेचमार्क? [समाधान

स्ट्रेचमार्क ? [समाधान ] If u want in english, use this link:- स्ट्रेचमार्क के समाधान पर जाने से पहले, यह बताने जा रहा है कि स्ट्रेचमार्क कैसे होते हैं। यह पुरुष और महिला दोनों के लिए होता है। पतली त्वचा और मांसपेशियों के तंतुओं के लिए त्वरित खिंचाव के कारण। # स्ट्रैचमार्क कैसे होते हैं? => स्ट्रेचमार्क परिणाम होते हैं, क्योंकि त्वचा को बहुत दूर या जल्दी खींचने के लिए मजबूर किया जाता है, और फिर त्वचा मांसपेशियों के फाइबर को खींचती है और तोड़ती है, और सभी खिंची हुई रेखाएं आपकी त्वचा पर दिखाई देने लगती हैं। शरीर के अधिकांश सामान्य स्थान जहाँ पर स्ट्रेच मार्क होता है, उदाहरण के लिए: - जांघ, उदर, कूल्हे, चूतड़, ऊपरी भुजाएँ। कुछ स्थितियों में, हमारा शरीर खुद को ठीक करने की कोशिश करता है। और जिम गाई के अधिकांश बाइसेप्स, शोल्डर, चेस्ट आदि पर स्ट्रेच मार्क मिलते हैं। ऐसा इसलिए होता है क्योंकि आपकी त्वचा बहुत दूर तक फैली होती है और यह आपके शरीर में विटामिन-ई ’की कम मात्रा के कारण भी होती ...

What is a Muscle ?

                    What is a Muscle ?   So everyone wants their muscle size bigger, right some of you don't, but still this Is a good information for everyone. #. As most of you workout in gym to increase your muscles size, but here i will explain you some fact about muscle ,  ( what is Muscles , how much develop ? , How many times takes to reach it) etc. # .All workout for each muscles that worked highlighted like reps, sets, and rest time as well as we face so many difficulties or we get so many experience in this [ Learn from your trainer ]. #. In order to make the muscle size bigger, first we have to know that, what a muscle actually want to grow, Now you don't think about cell structures. Iam just talking about the building muscle. # .In a Muscle there is 75% of water. Water makes up 75% of lean muscle tissue. Because water is necessary in our body. Water is also majority of the rest of our body. So norm...

Green Veggies High in protein [Protein Rich]

  Green vegetables that are high in protein                       [PROTEIN RICH].  Some of the Veggies that we eat daily at home, but today we will about some of the vegetables that contains high protein that we eat at home, and the main fact about green vegetables is, we use for diet, and its healthy for our Daily life. #. So here, some of the list of green vegetables that are protein Rich. [That we eat at homes.] I am not talking about costly food ,i am talking about Green vegetables. # .List of the Vegetables. 1. SPINACH:--   [ 100gm of spinach = 2.9gm protein ]. Spinach is the best source, while dieting, Spinach contains almost 49% of protein. 2. Broccoli :-- [ 100gm of Broccoli = 2.8gm protein ]. Broccoli is the Vegetable that is high protein according to a study Broccoli is the best source For Gym peoples, because it is protein rich. Broccoli contains 45% of protein. 3. Cauliflower :-- [...

Bulking Vs Cutting [Difference].

                    Bulking Vs Cutting   Most of the beginner's have the questions that they should start Bulking or Cutting, Because they don't have any idea, which one is better, so in this confusion they cannot decide properly, and they directly start heavy lifting, but for beginners direct lifting in starting is not a correct way to build muscle. That's why they should take help from their trainers and learn from them. # .Train your muscles 💪 . = .First you understand, that in order to build muscle, maintain or you sustain the muscle. First you give a reason to your muscle , that it should stay or grow, because its a nature of a Gym Guy.  =Because a Gym guy trained his muscle💪 to gain it, and to achieve a better physique, He must know that he want to loose it or gain it. = The training of muscle that will built your body, will be the training that you will use to loose it or for gaining. = I recommend you as the ...

No Sixpack Abs, Why? [Solution].

              No Abs, Why? [SOLUTION] No Abs, why? Or how can you get abs (solution) just follow these steps written below here: # .First we have to know that we have to deficit the fat percentage from our body, but without knowing our maintenance or the body fat ,we cannot find the correct deficit intake of proteins and therefore, Remove the unwanted fat from the stomach area. According to me that you have to deficit the fat percentage upto 20-25% ,then there will be chance to visible the Abs. # .The another most common mistake is thinking that 'we directly start doing daily abs workout to build the abs, They think Daily abs set will show them great results. =Most of you start training your Abs with the most common exercises, such as crunches, leg raises, core movements and plank to develop a strong core. They think they are working in the correct direction to build the Abs. =According to the workout for Abs that you're performing, Don't...

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Fat loss Journey.

              Fat loss journey stages.  #Our fatloss journey is a journey and along the way you will have to make important decisions to make sure you reach your desired level of leanness, while making sure you waste your little time as possible.   Specially now in summer season we want to make sure we waste no more time in achieving that desired summer body. # First you have to make a perfect decision. =  In order, before starting you have to make a perfect decision, that you are ready to commit to the process of loosing fat, keep in mind that the decision and commitment that comes with it, Because without any decision or commitment you cannot start or cannot motivate yourself. #Join Gym: - You can also do workout at home with your body weight, normal exercises, or with a dumbell set, but if you are really serious about loosing fat and making muscles[better results]. The Gym is better and smarter option for fatloss a...

Covid-19 Outbreak:- 5 Food item to boost your Immunity.

        5 Food item to boost your Immunity    #  So today, I am going to tell you about that 5 food items that will boost your Immunity and Safeguard you from infection [Keep away from infections]. 1] #. You need to Consume Among all kind of Vitamins, specially Vitamin-C and Vitamin-D.  For example in Vitamin-C :-- Brocolli, Strawberries, Guava, spinach, Oranges, peas, tomato etc. And in Vitamin-D :---papaya, Carrot, Avocado, eggs, Sweet potato, mango, etc. 2] #. Tulsi Leaves [Natural Antivirus]. = It helps to boosting immunity and flushing out toxins. = Tulsi drink which can simply made by boiling 3-4 leaves in water or you can consume with Black tea. = Also you can take ,Ginger, lemon, Garlic, etc. 3] # Zinc:- Its a another nutrition that helps your immune system and metabolism function. = For example:- Cashew nuts, Almonds, Avocado, Pumpkin seeds. 4] # Yoghurt:- It also helps in building Immunity. = It has to be fre...

Why 'Rest' is Important for muscles.

       Why 'Rest' is Important for muscles. # Why rest and sleep are equally important as workouts in the Gym. # If we are serious about getting strong muscles, then we need to train hard, And we need to also make sure that we are not overtraining, because after some time it starts hurting negatively to our muscles.   # Our workout must be harder, but muscle growth does not happen while we are working out in the Gym.    Our muscles do get pumped up after a better workout, but that pump disappears in few hours. The pump we get is just the blood guishing into our muscles to provide the need for muscles for doing all hard workout.   In reality we break our Muscles while lifting those heavy weights in the Gym. It happens during the rest time and our sleep that our body to recover from all those things, we need to provide essential nutritients to our body, And it overcompensates for the stresses that we exposed it, in result we get stronger...

Secret behind Gaining Muscle.

              Gaining Muscle Fast (Secret). # Everyone wants a better physique, Or want to Gain Muscles, but few are there who decided to do hard work for that, We cannot gain muscles in a week or in a month, we must keep patience & start doing hardwork for that ,because for better results, it will take time. =;To Gain Muscles we want to focus on our workout plan, Diet plan, & Rest time . =For a better results, for muscle Gaining we need to do hard workout with heavy weights with Discipline. Day by day increase your lifting weight to Gain Fast, because when we do workout with heavy weights, so it creates more stress on muscle, and in results our muscles create microscopic damages. This microscopic damage gets injured or the cells inflementary molecules start releasing cytokines so, the muscle tissues get activated and start repairing itself, But when we do the workout on a regular basis, then the workout or muscle repairing process , t...

Muscle Memory ?

                        Muscle Memory ? According to google researches in INDIA few of people talk about Muscle Memory topic. So the whole explaination about Muscle Memory topic is here in detail. #What is muscle memory ?[Explanation].   =    All of you those who love fitness, they definately do workout from past years to get a proper physique and to build muscle. =Most of you are training your muscles from past 3-4 years or more than that. It take 2-3 years to build a proper physique.  =But incase, due to some reasons, like you get sick, or any injury, or due to any reason you stop doing workout, So Slowly slowly our muscle size will start deficiting (decreasing), Because once we build a good amount of muscle, and if suddenly we stop doing workout and not giving a such amount of nutrition to our body, and not taking protein to maintain, so at that time our body doesn't have any reason to carr...

Fat Loss [Home Diet plan]

              Fat loss Diet plan at home. During this lockdown every Gyms, Gardens are closed. So neither we go outside for exercise, or for jogging, walking ,etc. So During this lockdown so many of us Gaining weight at home because of not doing exercises or not doing any work. So we have to focus on our diet, This diet is all about Fat loss that we can maintain at home just by focusing what we have to eat and what we have to avoid. This Diet plan is for both Men and women. #Morning Routine. =>Daily early morning when you wokeup you need to consume 2-3 glass of water before doing brush, So it will up your metabolism. =>Avoid tea or coffe in morning, you can drink some time later in the day. #After freshenup - =>Have any favourite fruit of your choice , For example:-One apple, or 1 Banana with black pepper it also hepls in fatloss, Grapes, Chikoo, papaya, etc. #Breakfast - =>Your breakfast should be protein rich. Becau...

How To Increase Vascularity.

      How to increase vascularity Naturally. So guys today,  I will explain the fact about vascularity, in a very simple natural way. No need of supplements, steroids, or any other product. #First of all, I want to tell you that vascularity and your body structure is depend on your genes. If you already have vascularity and your veins are visible, is only because of your genetics. But if you dont have vascularity, so i will explain you ,how to increase. #Why you dont have vascularity? =>Because of the fat percentage between the skin and the mass muscle. =>The fat percentage (water level) is present in our body, that's why our vascularity is not visible and because of the fat percentage, our veins also get hidden below the fat level. #How to reduce fat percentage to increase vascularity ? =>First you need to reduce your body fat level, To reduce you need a low calorie diet and heavy workout with a high protein diet. You can also take a s...